First Congregational Church – United Church of Christ in Wisconsin Rapids is a Christian church and part of the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination. There are more than 200 UCC churches in Wisconsin, which make up the Wisconsin Conference UCC. The Wisconsin Conference office is located in De Forest, WI. The Wisconsin Conference is divided into four Associations and this church is part of the Northwest Association of the Wisconsin Conference.
The UCC national office is located in Cleveland, Ohio. Every two years, the national office holds General Synod with representatives from all the Conferences across the country. The UCC is a free and a responsible church. No one dictates to a local church concerning the decisions it makes. Local churches, Associations, Conferences and the General Synod, speak to one another and to the public but do not speak for one another. The UCC is a church of the people and the members of the congregation.
The UCC denomination has its roots in four different denominations that eventually merged to become one in 1957. The UCC is made up of The Congregational Churches, The Christian Churches, The Reformed Church in the U.S. and The Evangelical Synod of North America. The UCC motto is “That they all may be one.” The UCC tries to bring about church unity both by working together with other denominations and by honoring the distinctions among the worldwide Christian community. We have a strong history of inclusivity.
To learn more check out the United Church of Christ site
Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ